Arnica Montana – All you need to know

Arnica Montana, the queen of plants in Homeopathy, is one of the greatest medicine ever known to mankind. Arnica is the darling homeopathic medicine used throughout the world. It is used by homeopaths, herbalists, surgeons, physicians and physiotherapists. The medicinal uses of Arnica include bruising, pain (movement makes the pain worse), inflammation, injuries, trauma, Accidents, overexertion, fibromyalgia, soreness, tooth extraction, osteoarthritis, surgical condtions and DNA damage. As per CORE-Hom Database of clinical trials in Homeopathy, Arnica Montana is most often used remedy (n=103). Arnica is part of Relief-Aid for many athletes, sports doctor and coaches such as Jean-Marcel Ferret, James Ellington, Linford Christie, Annabel Croft, Jayne Torvill, Dr. Philippe Lageyre, Dr. Charles A Dixon, Zaheer Khan and Pierre Barrieu. Arnica gel was the first homeopathic product to be registered by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in UK in 2006. Arnica has been awarded best homeopathic remedy by Vity Awards.