A Decade of Research into Homeopathy: 1981-1990

· homeopathy


This is Part-1 of three-part series showcasing the Research in Homeopathy during the decade spanning from 1981 to 1990 [click to tweet]. The next two parts will showcase the research for the next two decades. In all the three parts, the research findings are shown in tabular form. The table contains data such as trial type, patient population, intervention, comparator, condition, outcome, p-value/odds ratio, results, trial quality (Jadad score), peer-reviewed Journal name and the URL link.

For the decade 1981-1990, the details of the research findings of the 23 papers (human studies) in evidence of Homeopathy are expressed in a tabular form in pdf file embedded on this webpage which can be downloaded, shared, embedded on your blog as well as can be viewed on Scribd. The contents of the pdf file are explained below the embedded file.


DBRPCT: Double Blind Randomised Placebo Controlled Trial

SBPCT: Single-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial

HPT: Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trial (Drug Proving)

JS: Jadad Score [a measure of quality of trial, varies from 5 (high quality) to 1 (poor quality), 3 (reasonable quality)]

p-value: probability-value (a measure of statistical significance of trial results, p≤0.05 indicates statistical significance)


Rhinitis: Also known as hay fever and Pollinosis

Fibromyalgia: Earlier known as Fibrositis. Pain and Inflammation in muscles.


VertigoHeel: Combination of 4 remedies: Conium maculatum 3X, Cocculus 4X, Ambra grisea 6X, Petroleum 8X

Traumeel: Combination of 14 remedies: Calendula officinalis MT, Hamamelis virginiana MT, Echinacea MT, Echinacea purpurea MT, Chamomilla MT, Bellis perennis MT, Millefolium MT, Aconitum napellus 1X, Belladonna 1X, Arnica montana 3X, Symphytum officinale 4X, Hypericum perforatum 6X, Mercurius solubilis 6X, Hepar sulfuris calcareum 6X

Poikien: Combination of 8 remedies


Primary Health Care Study: It could be observational, cohort or pilot study.

Odds Ratio: It is the ratio of the chance that something will happen to the chance that it will not happen


Nancy Malik. Scientific Research in Homeopathy. Science-based Homeopathy. 2014 Feb 20. Available from: https://drnancymalik.wordpress.com/article/scientific-research-in-homeopathy/.

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  1. Christina Strang

    Very interested in the research, but unless they have been published in a peer reviewed paper they will not be accepted by the powers that be…


  2. Dr. Chittaranjan Kar M.D. Homoeopathic Repertory.

    Thanks for your research in/on Homoeopathy but poly pharmacy may give relief but cannot cure, hence we should develop make easy to prescribe Homoeopathy in community base.


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